BIAK AND JAYAPURA (September 13, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini handed over empowerment assistance to the people of Biak Numfor through the affiliate of the Indonesian Christian Church. The assistance provided was in the form of ice cube production machines with a capacity of 5 tons and 1,000 laying hens, Biak Island, Wednesday (13/9).

Furthermore, the Social Affairs Minister Risma gave motivation to 38 mechanical training participants and heavy equipment operators at PT United Tractor Tbk, Jayapura City, providing assistance through GKI Sinode, Jayapura, in the form of 4 Package Basic Food Kiosk Business to the women in Skouw, 1 set of Animal Feed Production Machine to the people of Jayapura city, Sewing Machine and Cattle Breed to young men and women in Muara Tami, Papua.