BEKASI (September 11, 2019) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto, accompanied by the Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, gave directions as well as opened the activities of the Consolidation Meeting of Children Social Rehabilitation Program Partners Needing Special Protection (AMPK Progress) in the Implementation of the Aimed Aid and Finalization of Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Regulation for Progresa at the Amaroossa Grande Hotel, Bekasi.

In his remarks, Edi Suharto conveyed, "With the issuance of PP No. 2 of 2018 concerning Minimum Service Standards, it has encouraged the Ministry of Social Affairs to issue the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation No. 9 of 2018 concerning Technical Technical Standards for Basic Services in Social Services SPM in Provinces and Districts / Cities."

The Child Social Rehabilitation Program (Progresa) is one of the elements of Progressa 5.0 NP with four core components of activities namely Social Rehabilitation, Social Assistance, Technical Support and Accessibility Support, which aims to improve the functioning of children and families which are carried out holistically, systematically and in a standardized manner.

This activity was attended by 91 participants consisting of representatives of Social Workers Supervisors, Child Social Welfare Institutions, Legal Bureaus, Child Practitioners, Bandung Poltekesos, Secretariat General of Social Rehabilitation, and Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation.