GORONTALO (October 25, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Phala Martha" Sukabumi in synergy with the Gorontalo Provincial Office implementing the Social Rehabilitation Program for People with Disabilities (PROGRES PD) through network-based case responses to Mental Disability Disposal in two districts in Gorontalo Province.

"The case response team acts as a case manager in solving PDM cases by identifying, assessing problems and potential, planning and interventions in synergy involving various regional stakeholders. The interventions carried out include conducting social advocacy by encouraging relevant stakeholders to respond responsively to their roles including the release and evacuation of PDM who are put in the hospital," said the Head of BRSPDM " Phala Martha" Neni Riawati.

Education and reinforcement of families and local communities is provided in the care / care of PDM at home. Family support is also very important during evacuation, medical care, and post-treatment from the hospital so that PDM can carry out its social functions. The team also provides reinforcement to disability companions to provide post-stock social assistance optimally.

Post-free handling is an important action so that families and communities have the knowledge and ability to maintain the recovery and development of PDM social functions. It is hoped that there will be no retention of PDM and families will be able to treat appropriate and dignified actions in their handling.

Various parties were involved and synergized in this activity, namely the Gorontalo Province Social Service, Social Service District. Pohuwato, District Health Office. Pohuwato, Puskesmas Popayato Subdistrict and Randangan, Regional Government, Noncommisioned Law Enforcement and Community Police Officer, Disability Facilitators and community leaders intervened the case of three PDM people in two Subdistricts, Popayato and Randangan Subdistricts.