BEKASI (October 16th, 2019) - The Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Prostitute and Human Trafficking Victims at the Ministry of Social Affairs will finalize the Ministry of Social Affairs regulation draft in the end of this year. The Ministry of Social Affairs regulation draft has gone through seven discussions up to this final draft.

45 participants were invited to finalize the Ministry of Social Affairs Regulation draft on Social progress of the Prostitute and Human Trafficking Victims at the Santika Mega Bekasi Hotel in Bekasi from October 15-18 2019.

"The Progress of Prostitute and Human Trafficking Victims certainly does not come out of Progress 5.0 New Platform, where Provincial Social Services Agency, City Regencies are providers of basic social rehabilitation services and the Ministry of Social Affairs is a provider of advanced social rehabilitation services. Our relationships is like Powder and Blush-on that women used, both aim to make women beautiful, the Social Service is Powder and the Ministry of Social Affairs is Blush-on, both of them need each other," said Edi Suharto as Director General of Social Rehabilitation when giving direction to this activity.

Participants in the event were from the Social Rehabilitation Center/Workshop within the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Prostitute and Human Trafficking Victims, Team of Legal Bureau, Planning Bureau, OHH Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, PP Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Section Chief who handles Social Rehabilitation or representation from 10 Provincial Social Service Agency, Chairperson / representative of LKS in the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Prostitute and Human Trafficking Victims.