KUPANG (October 15th, 2019) - "Efata" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Deaf and Speech Disabilities (BRSPDSRW) received a visit from the Bintang Timur Foundation led by Geraldo Apat as the Head of the Bintang Timur Foundation. Also present on this occasion was the East Timor Delegation, Mr Roger Muakandala.

The group was welcomed by Stefanus Mau as the Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section and Anang Suyansjah as the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Services Section. In their greeting, Stefanus and Anang hoped that this visit would be able to increase the community's understanding of services provided by "Efata" BRSPDSRW Kupang. The visit was followed by a review of the skills rooms namely salon, sewing, brick making, welding and so on.

"Efata" BRSPDSRW Kupang in carrying out its services always promotes openness and acceptance if there are people or agencies who want to know more about the services available in the rehabilitation center.