MATARAM (October 26th, 2019) - Supervision officers from the "Mahatmiya" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Blind Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) Bali went to the field to follow up on the results of the TOT (Training of Trainers) activities that were carried out September 26-29, 2019.
Supervision for three days, October 23-25 , 2019, was carried out at East Lombok Social Service agency, Central Lombok Social Service agency, Mataram Ministry of social Service agency, West Nusa Tenggara Social Service agency.
Facilitator from each activity gather at the local Social service office. This supervision aims to ensure that the facilitator has and continues to transfer his skills to the Social Welfare Services recipient (PPKS) for Persons with Sensory Disabilities (PDSN). In addition, supervisors also collect mentoring report forms, assessments of PPKS PDSN needs, photocopy of ID card, family card and savings accounts as well as ensure PPKS PDSN data in SIMPD.
According to the officer, Herlin Wahyuni
Hidayat, the results will be followed up with the disbursement of social
assistance planned for November.