Garut (October 30th, 2023) – The Ministry of Social Affairs intensifies the handling and quick response towards Persons in Need of Social Welfare Services (PPKS) so that the social problems in Indonesia can be solved.

Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini has a chance to meet the brothers living with their mother who suffers from mental disability in the house being renovated by Ministry of Social Affairs.

“They are fatherless, and their mother suffers from mental disability. However, the mother has been taken to Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital in Bogor. The mother has received proper treatment from the hospital,” Risma said.

Previously, the sibling took care of their mother in an unhabitable house and had minimal lighting. When they first met, both brothers looked tired and overwhelmed due to taking care of their mother who suffers from mental disabilities.

Siti (49) has suffered from schizophrenia for the last two years due to the sickness and the death of her husband. Her two sons, Mahdar (25) and Entis (15) take care of their mother who suffers from the disease independently with the minimal treatment they got from the public health center.

Ministry of Social Affairs via Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center in Bekasi distributes some assistance in the form of house renovation, bathing, washing and toilet facilities, furniture, nutritional assistance, basic foods for the brothers, school supplies for the second brother, and entrepreneurial assistance in the form of grocery and basic food stall at home.

The oldest hopes that the assistance given by Ministry of Social Affairs will benefit him and his family and that the business can grow.

“Thank you, Ministry of Social Affairs, for the assistance, and Madam Minister for coming here to see our house’s condition. I hope you will be blessed and successful. I hope the money can be used to pay for my brother’s school fees and daily needs,” Mahdar said with a happy smile on his face.