BOGOR (September 10, 2019) - Head of the Bogor Ciungwanara Intellectual Disability (BRSPDI) Office of Bogor Ciungwanara, Esa Sumantri accompanied by the Head of the Social Welfare Section of Ciampea District, Jerry opened a Mobile Social Rehabilitation (RSK) activity. As many as 50 Beneficiaries (PM), parents and assistants attended this activity in the Hall of Ciampea District, Bogor Regency.

"The RSK program is a direct service program for persons with intellectual disabilities in the community in the disability base area that is carried out around the region," said Esa.

This activity involves many professional professions with the aim of increasing the accessibility of persons with intellectual disabilities and families to obtain basic services. These professional professions include social workers, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists and social counselors.

Beneficiaries and parents can directly consult according to their needs with professionals who are competent in their fields related to the fulfillment of the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities to grow and develop in physical, mental, social, skills, and opportunities to develop their independence.

The program is expected to increase the active role and concern of the community, related institutions, social organizations and the business community in meeting the needs of people with intellectual disabilities in their respective regions.