PURWOKERTO (October 15th, 2019) - "Satria" Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) in Baturraden conducts capacity building activities for employees at Meotel Purwokerto. The activity that takes the theme "HATI" (Hope, Enthusiasm, Responsibility, Initiative) is an effort to increase employee work motivation so that it is always maximized in carrying out its duties and functions in each position.

The activity was attended by 70 employees consisting of ASN, honorary employees, and counselors. The speaker at this activity was Rum Martani, a trainer, coach, and also the author of the book " Impian Menjadi Nyata ".

Rum invites participants to recall that mindset influences words, words affect actions, actions build habits, habits affect character, and characters influence fate. "Pain is only temporary and success can be forever," said Rum.

Restyaningsih as the Head of "Satria" BRSKPN Baturraden motivated employees not to be shackled by work routines. "Working with the heart is the key so that we can enjoy the work we do, not become a burden," said Resty.