TEMANGGUNG (October 16th, 2019) - Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Hartono Laras accompanied by the Head of General Bureau Adi Wahyono conduct a working visit to "Kartini" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BBRSPDI) Temanggung on Wednesday (16/10).

The arrival of the Secretary General and his entourage was welcomed by the Head of the Central Office of Murhardjani along with all the employees and the service recipient of "Kartini" BBRSPDI Temanggung.

On this occasion, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs gave directions to all employees in the "Kartini" BBRSPDI Temanggung environment while at the same time socializing Law Number 14 of 2019 about Social Workers and Bureaucracy Reform Implementation, Integrity Zone Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and Clean Service Bureaucracy Areas (WBBM), and motivates all employees.

Motivation is given so that employees are always enthusiastic in providing social rehabilitation services and always try to provide the best for the Social Welfare Service Government (PPKS). He also said that the the employee of Ministry of Social Affairs must always work in accordance with applicable regulations and be wise in using social media.