BEKASI (July 20th, 2024) – One of the duties and functions of Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation is to perform policy formulation and implementation in the field of social rehabilitation of children, elderly, persons with disabilities, and also the victims of disaster and emergency.

“Madam Minister emphasizes that Person in Needs of Social Welfare Services (PPKS) is the priority of health program beneficiaries,” the Head of Organization and Human Resources Bureau of Ministry of Social Affairs Suratna said in the Coordination Meeting of Nursing Activity Service in the Technical Implementation Units of Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation in Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center in Bekasi on Saturday (July 20th, 2024).

Person in Need of Social Welfare Service is someone, family, group, or community who due to some obstacles, difficulties, or interference unable to perform their social functions. Thus, they need social services to meet their daily needs physically, mentally, and socially adequately and reasonably.

The other aspect that needs improvement regarding operational standards such as during giving treatment in the room. This includes implementing excellent social rehabilitation services alongside the need for reliable nursing human resources.

"There is no one who keeps a helmet on the table. It may seem trivial, but it shows that the SOP about treatment becomes important not only during treatment for individuals, families, groups, or communities, whether in a state of illness or health," she stated.

The Head of Facility Management and Personnel Affairs Working Group Sri Harijati stated that the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation put more attention towards the needs of health workers, especially nurses, so that they can provide social rehabilitation services effectively.

"To provide better social care services, especially with multi-services, and to do our best for the community," she said. 

The purpose of the activity was to enhance the nurses’ knowledge in carrying out their nursing duties within their institution, to be able to provide standardized nursing services and to understand the management of nurse performance.

"Also, identifying the ownership of the Registration Certificate (STR) and the Practice License (SIP) of nurses and being able to understand nurses’ clinical authority in performing medical actions," she said.

The coordination meeting took place over two days on Friday-Saturday, July 19-20, 2024, and was attended by 155 participants. Present at the event were the facilitators from the Organization and Human Resources (OSDM) Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs.