SURAKARTA (September 19, 2019) - The Directorate General of Social Empowerment held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for Strengthening the Performance Performance of Business Potentials with the theme "Synergy Strengthening the Ministry of Social Affairs and Business Entities through Social Responsibility in Social Welfare in the Data Room and Public Service BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta.

This FGD activity to Strengthen the Potential Performance of the Business World aims to implement Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2016 concerning Social Responsibility of Business Entities in Social Services.

Speakers at the FGD activities include Latifah Ningrum as Head of the Sub-Directorate of Potential Business World, Directorate of Individual Social Empowerment, Family and Community Institutions, Heri Kris Sritanto as Head of BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso "Surakarta, and Murhardjani as the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BBRSPDI)" Kartini "Temanggung.

"The most important thing in dealing with persons with physical disabilities at BBRSPDF" Prof. Dr. Soeharso "Surakarta is to restore its function to be more productive and then be given training," said Heri Kris in front of the invited guests.

The FGD activity was attended by 20 invited guests from various companies, including PT. Sri Rejeki Isman TBK, PT. Tirta Jaya Abadi, Sritex Sukoharjo, PT. Japta Comped Sragen, PT. Astra Internasional TBK, PT. Pan Brothers TBK, PT. Tirta Investama Klaten, and CV. Tirta Margahayu.

Also present at the event was Dr. Norizah Redzuan from the Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering at Johor Baru Malaysia University, Directorate of RSPD, Surakarta City Social Service, Semen Bima Banyumas, Sebelas Maret University, Central Java CSR Forum and Structural Officials BBRSPDF "Prof. Dr. Soeharso "Surakarta.