TERNATE (October 16th, 2019) - "Wasana Bahagia" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) Ternate conducted Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) assistance to ODH from South Halmahera. ODH accesses Shelter Services based on information from health workers in their area. There are three ODH who will do VCT tests at Chasan Boesiri Ternate Regional General Hospital and given assistance by the rehabilitation center staff.

HIV test or often referred to as VCT is a test conducted to determine HIV status and is done voluntarily and through a counseling process first. "Wasana Bahagia" BRSODH Ternate Shelter Services Team provides assistance to PLHIV in an effort to help provide support and build mentality of PLHIV to stay alive when they know the result of VCT is HIV positive. In addition, the Team also provided complete education and information about HIV / AIDS and helped connect PLHIV with existing source systems such as access to treatment that needed to be undertaken.