TERNATE (15 October 2019) - Tuesday morning the service recipient of Social Welfare Services (PPKS) "Wasana Bahagia" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with HIV (BRSODH) Ternate followed psychosocial therapy to the tourist attraction of Jikomalamo beach in Ternate. 26 PPKS Time Bound Shelter (TBS) and 18 facilitator participated in this activity.

As one form of intervention in the PLWHA Social Rehabilitation Program (Progress), psychosocial therapy is important to give to the PPKS rehabilitation center.

The purpose of this therapy is to assist them in finding their existence and meaning in their lives again and knowing their role and function in their social environment.

Recreational therapy is very effective in building positive feelings of PPKS TBS. With this therapy they are trained to control tension and anxiety and increase gratitude in life.