TERNATE (October 14th, 2019) - "Wasana Bahagia" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) conducted a Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) for the July-October 2019 period in the rehabilitation center meeting room. The activity was attended by 26 Time Bound Shelter (TBS) service recipient of Social Welfare (PPKS).

In his remarks the Head of "Bahagia" BRSODH Ternate, Udan Suheli explained that the implementation of this survey was a form of PPKS active participation in efforts to encourage the rehabilitation center to improve quality in providing social rehabilitation services going forward.

"The survey results can be a measurement of the satisfaction of the people who receive services from the rehabilitation center. So, please answer the questions in accordance with what you received at the rehabilitation center," explained Udan Suheli.

The implementation of SKM by 'Wasana Bahagia' BRSODH Ternate refers to Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms Regulation Number 14 of 2017 about Guidelines for the Preparation of Community Satisfaction Surveys for Public Service Providers. SKM activities are routinely carried out by rehabilitation center every semester.