JAKARTA (July 16, 2020) - Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, in this case Directorate General of Social Empowerment, is organizing a workshop on Social Entrepreneurship online through Zoom Meeting.

Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto officially opened the Workshop Social Entrepreneurship which is the result of collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and Padjadjaran University (UNPAD).

A total of 286 participants consisting of KPM PKH Graduasi participated in the social entrepreneurship workshop in each cluster. There are 4 clusters of types of businesses that are in great demand by the community, namely culinary, fashion, agribusiness, and retail.

Today, there are 4 clusters that become workshop material, namely culinary, fashion, retail and agribusiness. The speaker of fashion cluster was Valeria Nisatama, Founder & CEO Celosia Etnik, while the agribusiness cluster speaker Setia Irawan came from Al Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School in Bandung.

"This workshop activity is one of the 3 major social entrepreneurship programs. It is the concept of mentoring. The participants here can be escorted, trained, accompanied, and assisted to develop the business," explained Edi Suharto.

The concept of mentoring, which was packaged in the entrepreneurship workshop, was conducted online for the first time by Ministry of Social Affairs in collaboration with UNPAD Business Incubator Oorange.

When delivering his presentation, Edi Suharto explained that the workshop was done to help encourage micro businesses owned by KPM PKH Graduasi. The participants received material from the production process to the marketing process.

The speaker at the fashion cluster, Valeria, who is an Alumni of the Faculty of Economics, UNPAD shared her business knowledge from the process of finding material until marketing techniques that can be carried out by the participants.

Beside, Valeria also practiced directly how to draw clothing patterns that will be sold later. There are also many tips and tricks that he conveys, such as looking for contemporary design inspiration that can be found on Google, Pinterest, and Instagram. Understanding marketing techniques is also important and needs to be known by the participants. They can use various online platforms and must be gadget friendly through an online shopping.

Another case cluster which is agribusiness cluster with Setia Irawan speaker explained about agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and understanding of supply and demand so that there would not be over production. 

This workshop is expected to be able to provide knowledge for the beneficiaries. So that the KPM can develop their business and increasing economic for the community.

Also present at the event was the Head of the Subdivision of the Family Empower and Care Institution, and Director of the UNPAD Business Incubator Oorange.