BEKASI (15 July 2020) - Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity began with a report by the Secretary of Directorate General of Social Empowerment Bambang Sugeng at Amaroossa Grande Hotel in Bekasi.

Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto opened and became a speaker at the FGD event.

The FGD participants were attended by 25 people from KSPI, IPSPI, IPSM, IKA STKS / Poltekesos, ASPEKSI, Practitioners, Academics, Consultation Teams, Head of Social Worker Social Worker Group, Head of Social Welfare Services Division, Head of OHH Dayasos, Head of Social Worker and PSM Sub-Department, and Head of Potential of Business Sector.

Director General of Social Empowerment explained that this meeting was the beginning of future synergies between the Social Workers and Community Participation. Furthermore, Dirjen Dayasos explained about the Focus of Social Empowerment which is more directed at increasing Individual Power (PPKS), Institutions (Family, Health Center, SLRT, Youth Organization, IPSPI, IPSM, LKS) and Society (Remote Indigenous Communities, Young Generation).

"There are 4 main focus of social empowerment programs, such as Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment of Social Pillars, PKAT Best (KAT empowerment based on Stakeholders), and Social Restoration", said Edi Suharto

Dr. Miryam Nainggolan, Secretary General of KPSI said that KPSI have embraced all social pillars in declaring KPSI in joint action.

Director General of Empowerment hopes that actions will be carried out by Social Workers (Social Workers) and Community Social Workers (PSM) in the future in synergizing Social Ministry programs.

PSM is one of the spearheads in social welfare services in Indonesia, helping communities to connect with existing government services.

With the Law No. 14 of 2019 concerning Social Workers, it can be distinguished between PSM and Social Workers. Social Workers need an education / school work path or social welfare background and they have to have a competence certification as a social worker, while Community Social Workers are voluntary based.

In the second section, Focus Group Discussion was led by Dr. Taufiqurrahman, General Secretary of IKA STKS / Poltekesos discussed the Focus of Social Workers and Community Social Workers and also Webinar which will be held soon.

There are some points that can be concluded from the FGD. First, there are overlapping PSM tasks. Second, there is still lack of socialization of tasks or main tasks and functions of social pillars.Third, there is no MOSA rules of Social Worker which is not functional. Forth, there are changes in the names of social pillar often that is not refers to international nomenclature. Fifth, it needs to held a webinar by inviting speakers from related parties. Sixth, it needs to identify the overlapping of MOSA rules and it should conduct an omnibus law immediately.