JAKARTA (January 29th, 2024) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (MosA) is working to make the Beneficiary Families (KPM) of Nusantara Economic Hero (PENA) Program even greater and more successful. Therefore, to increase the independence and productivity of PENA participants, MoSA held a PENA Workshop at “Mulya Jaya” Flats in Jakarta from 26 to 28 January 2024.

This workshop was held to encourage the development and spirit for Beneficiary Families who have graduated. With PENA Workshop, KPM Graduates were given an in-depth learning experience and equipped business actors with various skills. This activity was attended by 64 KPM Graduates. Participants who attended the PENA event consisted of beneficiaries and social companions.

Ida Nurfarida (50), one of the KPM Graduates who took the Fine Arts Class, was currently selling in front of her rented house in Kalipasir Indah, Tangerang City. After attending PENA Workshop, Ida wanted to have a permanent business to boost her family's economy. "I want to build a business so that it runs smoothly and develops to help my husband and pay for my children's school as well," she said.

In the classes they attended, the participants learned to pay attention to the importance of an attractive appearance for product packaging so that they can increase the selling value of products of existing businesses and move them up to a higher level. "I hope they can go from selling at home to a wider market," said Andreas as a speaker in the Fine Arts Class.

Not only workshop, MoSA also provided KPM Graduates with a Visual Management team to design or consult regarding problems they experienced.

Public Relations Bureau
Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs