JAKARTA (05 January 2021) - Ministry of Social Affairs tries to renovate Kalibata Main National Heroes Cemetery (TMPNU).

Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto accompanied Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, inspecting several areas in TMPNU Kalibata.

On this occasion, Tri Rismaharini and his entourage visited grave area, Plaza court, Ceremony Plaza area, VVIP Guest Book Hall, and Layout Room.

Tri Rismaharini conveyed that it is necessary to make improvements in several areas, such as: a flower garden in front of TMPNU Kalibata, additional lighting, and additional trees around the cemetery and front garden area. TMPNU Kalibata is also one of the lungs of the city in Jakarta.

TMPNU Kalibata with an area of ​​25 hectares has been repaired several times. One of them is the expansion of the tomb area which was carried out from 2018 to 2020. This was done because the empty tomb area was already small. The expansion of the tomb is expected to provide additional capacity for the next 26 years.

Also present to accompany the KKKRS Director, Head of Sub-Directorate of TMPNU, MPN and TMPN, Head of TMPNU and Head of TMPN and MPN of the KKKRS Directorate.