MASAMBA (15 August 2023) – Social pillars have given the best service to the community by distributing and assisting with social assistance. According to a survey by a leading media, the public stated that satisfaction with services in the social welfare sector was the highest among other fields.
Robben Rico, Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and Director General of Social Protection and Security, recognized the importance of social pillars. The survey showed that the public is most satisfied with the government's performance in the category of social welfare.
"The number one is the social welfare aspect. It means that the community is satisfied with the performance of the social pillar," Robben said when closing the Gathering and Summit Event of the Social Pillars of Social Welfare Potential and Sources (PSKS) throughout South Sulawesi, in North Luwu, recently.
Members of the social pillars are MoSA's front-liners since they are grassroots actors in social welfare. As a result, Robben urged the social pillars to work together to achieve social welfare in society. Social pillars consist of Disaster Response Volunteers (Tagana), community youth organizations, PKH Companions, District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK), Community Social Workers, and social assistants.
"Have a great jamboree and stay in touch. Make certain that you have learned a lesson. Consider ways to communicate and collaborate, especially if something like a calamity occurs. I hope if there is a disaster, Tagana and Disaster Preparedness Village (KSB) friends will work together rather than separately," Robben addressed the Jamboree participants.
On the same occasion, North Luwu Regent Indah Putri Iriani stated that social pillars play an important role in completing President Joko Widodo's two priority programs, namely the Acceleration of Zero Poverty Elimination (P2KE) and reducing the prevalence of stunting to 14% by 2024. Both programs are aimed at those living in decile 1 (extreme poverty).
"One of the tasks that plays an important role is the social pillars. Because decile 1 program recipients are from the Ministry of Social Affairs, it is our responsibility to get them out of poor conditions, at least from decile 1 to a higher and more prosperous category," she said.
Furthermore, Indah emphasized the significance and commitment of social pillars to the North Luwu Regency Government, particularly during the pandemic and disaster management. For this reason, her party has provided social pillars with the Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) to ensure their comfort at work.
"Both MoSA and the North Luwu Government are making efforts to improve the welfare of the social pillars," the regent explained. "One of which is proposing to the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency to open state civil apparatus formation specifically for the social pillars."
MoSA at the closing of the Jamboree provided disaster preparedness and management assistance for North Luwu Regency worth IDR 228.1 million and handed over by the Acting Director of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims, Adrianus Alla. Meanwhile, the North Luwu Government handed over 15 laptops worth IDR 120 million for North Luwu TKSK operations.