JAKARTA (March 7, 2020) - Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P Batubara, accompanied by Director General of Social Empowerment Pepen Nazaruddin, supported the opening of the 14th Congress of the Islamic Ummah Union Center (PUI) with the theme "Wasathiyah Islam and Reengineering Organization Towards Advanced Indonesia" at the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, East Jakarta.

The Minister of Religion Affairs, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, the Central MUI Wakil Sekjen, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, the Head of Social Welfare Institute, Director of PSPKKM, Director of Social Rehabilitation for Victims of NAPZA Abuse, the Head of the Public Relations Bureau, PUI Shura Council Chairperson, Chairperson of the Ummat Central Management Board Islam Period 2020-2025 were attending the events with participants of the 14th PUI Conference.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Directorate General of Social Empowerment of Ministry of Social Affairs and the Islamic Ummah Union (PUI) on Social Empowerment Programs transferred by the Director General of Social Empowerment - Pepen Nazaruddin and the General Chairperson of the Central Management Board - KH. Nurhasan Zaidi.

At this event, Minister of Social Affairs carried out the assistance with total Rp. 540,000,000 such as, the Directorate General of Social Empowerment at Rp. 82,500,000, Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Drug Abuse Victims at Rp. 7,500,000, Directorate Social Services for Elderly (Elderly Clothing Assistance) in the amount of Rp. 200,000,000, Directorate for Social Welfare of Children (Orphans Benefit) with disabilities (basic food assistance) of Rp 100,000,000

Poverty alleviation by the government in the program of social empowerment by launching an entrepreneurial movement which is one of the models developed by supporting all members to raise awareness among themselves.

The government continues to give priority to overcoming poverty in Indonesia and one of the solutions is to increase the spirit of social entrepreneurship in every individual in the community, especially young people as the backbone of the nation.