JAKARTA (January 28th, 2024) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) held Nusantara Economic Hero (PENA) Workshop at “Mulya Jaya” Flats in Jakarta. This activity carried out the theme “Training to Strengthen the Empowerment of Beneficiary Family (KPM) PENA Graduates and Training to Strengthen the Capacity of PENA Social Companions”.

This training was to provide knowledge and skills to benefit beneficiaries and social companions so that they were enthusiastic about entrepreneurship. This activity was attended by 65 KPM Graduates, 179 residents of “Mulya Jaya” Center in Jakarta and 303 social companions.

The training was held for three days from 26 to 28 January 2024. There were many classes that participants could take consisting of culinary, handicrafts, digital marketing, financial literacy, photography and videography, simple research, as well as branding and packaging.

One of the popular training that participants joined was culinary workshop. The number of participants who took part in the culinary training was 133 people who were residents of “Mulya Jaya” Flats and Centers.

On the first day, training participants were taught to make contemporary drinks, iced caramel cappuccino and iced palm sugar latte, as well as the currently viral food, cromboloni. Meanwhile, on the second day, participants were taught to make fruit drinks such as smoothies. Next, on the third day, participants were taught to make various preparations from chocolate. Participants were divided into six groups and trained by the instructor.

Participants were very enthusiastic about taking part in the training. They practiced the process of making drink recipes from the way to make caramel syrup, whip cream, to the way to serve. Participants were taught how to calculate the measurements of ingredients to make dough and how to use equipment to make caramel syrup and whip cream so that the results were suitable.

Arif, a beverage instructor at the culinary workshop who was also a teacher at Surabaya Hotel School (SHS) said that PENA program must be continued so that more and more people are empowered, especially through the culinary sector.

"I am happy that the beneficiaries have the ability, knowledge and intention to change their lives by increasing economic capacity through real sectors in the culinary business sector, by processing ingredients into food and drink dishes that are suitable and attractive to sell," said Arif.

Arif hoped that through PENA training program, beneficiaries would have skills and expertise. Thus, they were no longer dependent on other people and were capable of getting their own income so they could be economically independent. Besides, Arif also gave tips to participants who want to start a business in the culinary sector not to stay silent. They needed to start having the courage to try and make something.

Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs
Public Relations Bureau