BANDUNG (July 30th, 2024) – The Acting Head of Director General of Social Empowerment Beni Sujanto emphasized that the social pillars are the cutting edge of empowerment effort improvement. This was stated in the discussion with social pillars in the Social Pillars Capacity Improvement event attended by 600 social pillars, such as social workers District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK), and Community Social Workers (PSM) all over Indonesia.

Furthermore, Beni illustrated social empowerment as building a bridge. Social pillars created access then gave convenience and accompanied the source system available.

“Let us together, hand in hand, to strengthen empowerment and fight for the community in a social welfare frame. Whoever we are, wherever we are, the duty to accompany the underprivileged society is a responsibility and a soul call to be implemented as best as possible,” Beni Sujanto said.

Related to the poverty handling implementation, Ministry of Social Affairs through Technical Implementation Units of Centers and integrated Centers throughout Indonesia had done their systemized and integrated service function, becoming a medium for social pillars to coordinate and collaborate in each working area.