JAKARTA (18 August 2020) - Located at Grand Mercure Harmoni Hotel Jakarta, Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto officially opened the SIKS-NG Application Technical Guidance activity for Social Welfare Centre (Puskesos) - SLRT Officer.

This activity attended by 48 participants consists of the representatives of Puskesos - SLRT organizers from 8 districts / cities, such as: managers, supervisors, facilitators, administrators, Secretariat officers and Puskesos officers who attend face to face; and all Puskesos - SLRT organizers in 150 districts / cities who attend via video conference and live streaming.

Ministry of Social Affairs has developed an Integrated Service and Referral System (SLRT) and Social Welfare Center (Puskesos) since 2016 and this initiative has been designated by the government as one of the activities in the agenda of the National Priority Program related to poverty reduction.

Puskesos - SLRT is a one-stop social welfare service that is supported by a real-time application so that services can be carried out quickly, precisely and responsively.

"Puskesos-SLRT must be at the forefront of social services to the community, especially during Covid-19 pandemic. Apart from complaints, Puskesos can also be a place to verify data in the regions, because it is easily accessible to the community. SLRT is very important in helping to build a good Integrated Social Welfare Data," explained Edi Suharto.

Furthermore, Edi Suharto said that the existence of Puskesos could help the public in submitting Covid-19 complaints. Particularly related to social assistance, so that issues in the regions can be absorbed by Puskesos - SLRT.

Locus Puskesos - SLRT is in the district / city. However, institutionally, it is integrated from the village / kelurahan, kecamatan, kabupaten / kota, provincial to the central level. The formation of SLRT at the district / city level is always accompanied by the formation of Puskesos as miniature SLRT at the village / kelurahan level, to bring services closer to the community. Puskesos - SLRT are also supported by facilitators who come from social volunteer elements to be able to reach all communities who need social services.

The functions of Puskesos - SLRT are regulated in the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 15 of 2018, namely: integrating information, data and services; identify and handle complaints; record membership and program needs; support the application of SPM in the social sector; and assist the implementation of verification and validation of DTKS through SIKS-NG.

"The role of Puskesos - SLRT is very strategic, especially as a frontliner in the implementation of social welfare, starting from the village / sub-district level to the district / city level, supported by real time applications based on android and web," explained Acting Director of PSPKKM Bambang Sugeng in his report.

The use of applications based on android and web is expected to support the implementation of social services to be faster, responsive and right on target.

Bambang Sugeng added that to maximize the function and role of Puskesos-SLRT, it is necessary to evaluate and improve. Including the preparation of regulations and SOPs for handling Covid-19, it will be made clearer, strengthen central and regional institutions, increase the publication of Puskesos-SLRT, and strengthening the capacity of the Puskesos-SLRT human resources.

Also attending the event, namely Director of PKAT La Ode Taufik Nuryadin, Technical Team of the PSPKKM Directorate, Bambang Mulyadi, and Head of Sub Directorate of LKS Ibnu Solihin.