JAMBI (November 25, 2020) - Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) carried out a specific working visit to Jambi City, Jambi Province in the context of Monitoring the Distribution of Social Assistance (Bansos) for the Family Hope Program (PKH) and strengthening empowerment programs for handling the poor during the COVID-19 pandemic and can provide service protection and empowerment to accelerate poverty reduction to the maximum. The activity was carried out in the Meeting Room of the Jambi Province Social Office which was attended by the Director of Family Social Security of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and the Head of the Jambi Province Social Office and their Staff.

In his remarks, the chairman of the Special Working Visit Team for Commission VIII DPR RI Ihsan Yunus said that the new PKH assistance scheme must be more realistic and efficient so that the community can be served equally well, considering that the current COVID-19 pandemic is entering a critical stage for national economic growth and of course. impact on the addition of new poverty rates, therefore empowerment programs and social assistance programs must be based on poverty data sourced from tiered data verification from villages, sub-districts to districts/cities and provinces.

Strengthening the quality of integrated social welfare data through the SIKS NG application for the management of one social welfare data service is important, for that Commission VIII DPR RI has specifically established a Poverty Data Verification Committee, in which 10 problems were found in the verification and validation of poverty data including:

1. There are still 92 districts/cities that have not verified and validated poverty data, and there are 103 districts/cities that have verified and validated poverty data below 50% of the poverty data in their area.

2. There is no sufficient allocation of funds in the APBD that is used for verification and validation of poverty data in the regions. In accordance with the provisions of Article 282 of the Law. 23 of 2014, the administration of government affairs under the authority of the regional government is funded and at the expense of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD).

3. There is no single poverty data used for social protection and assistance programs. Therefore, Commission VIII of the DPR RI has budgeted in 2021 a total of Rp1.2 trillion to carry out a Vali verification throughout Indonesia.

On that occasion, the Director of Family Social Security, Rachmat Koesnadi, said that the distribution of PKH social assistance for the 2020 fiscal year had been distributed, for Jambi Province the total PKH social assistance that had been disbursed was 376.4 billion for 102,148 Beneficiary Families (KPM). While the City of Jambi has distributed PKH social assistance as much as 57.4 billion for 14,563 KPM.

Social Assistance Medium quality rice for the month of October has been distributed to 104,239 KPM throughout Jambi Province. Rice social assistance in the city of Jambi 14,726 KPM, each receiving a total of 45 Kg, all of which have been received and utilized by KPM.

In Jambi Province until November 2020, 8,773 KPM graduations have been carried out or have reached 8.68% of the 10% target set and hopefully in December 2020 the target can be achieved.

PKH HR prepares plans and strategies for grading PKH KPM. For this reason, it is expected to be able to see opportunities for access to capital, skills services for KPM PKH, and socio-economic strengthening. As well as ensuring that the Social Welfare Card (KKS) is still held by KPM.

"It may not be collected by anyone, whether channeling banks, social assistants, District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK), group leaders or any party for any reason. This is to minimize the potential for misuse of non-cash social assistance," said Ihsan.

Therefore, Ihsan invites all parties to close ranks to protect KPM from debt bondage. "We have closed the KPM access to mobile banks, emok banks, bekel banks and other illegal loans that ensnare their lives."