MAKASSAR (27 November 2019) - Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara attended the summit night of the 2019 Family Hope Program (PKH) awarding ceremony in Makassar, Wednesday (27/11) night.

In his remarks in front of hundreds of participants who attended, Minister of Social Affairs Ari, as he is usually called, said that PKH Human Resources (HR) had a big share in the success of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"My friends, PKH Human Resources, you are the nation's fighters, the spearhead of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Without you, the programs mandated by the Ministry of Social Affairs will mean nothing," said Ari.

For this reason, the Ministry of Social Affairs, through the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, specifically held an appreciation event to appreciate PKH Human Resources who have worked hard to provide assistance in the field.

"Our presence tonight, not only to give appreciation but also to reflect on that this country we love, in the future, must be more advanced," said Ari.

In accordance with the narrative made by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, Ari continued, Onward Indonesia, it can only be realized if all parties are willing to move forward together. There are no developed countries that make a fuss about identity and differences.

"We fight together because our main enemy is poverty. All forms of radicalism, terrorism, all are rooted in poverty, so we have to alleviate poverty, and this has been shown through the great role of PKH human resources,, said Ari.

Wearing traditional Makassar clothing, Minister of Social Affairs Ari started his speech by reading a poem that made the whole room fluid.

Present at the top night of the award ceremony, members of the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission VIII DPR RI, Samsu Niang, M. Rapsel Ali, Mayor of Makassar, selected Provincial and Regency / City Governments, Director of the Ministry of Finance, to Ministry of Social Affairs partners from the State-owned Bank Association (Himbara), as well as partner institutions and mass media. In addition, the room was also enlivened by PKH HR from various regions, so that the total number of participants reached around 500 people.

In the same place, the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Harry Hikmat, in his report said that the 2019 PKH Appreciation Day was an event to give appreciation to all those who have supported the Family Hope Program (PKH).

"PKH Appreciation Day is an event for exchanging information from all parties involved. This activity is expected to provide motivation for all parties, both central and regional governments, as well as improving human resource performance to realize independent graduations for KPM," said Harry.

Therefore, said Harry, the main indicator of assessment is seen from the percentage of independent and orderly graduation of the Identity Number (NIK) for KPM members that are recorded in electronic PKH (e-PKH).

KPM PKH independent graduation is included in the award category because it is considered one of the indicators of PKH success. This means that PKH's main goal of changing behaviour to be productive and independent has been achieved.

Meanwhile, NIK, continued Harry, became another important aspect as an identification number which became the basis for KPM access to various other social assistance complementary programs and an instrument to monitor the accuracy of aid distribution.

In the middle of the event, participants were treated to an operet performance from PKH Blitar Human Resources. The operets displayed are full of the meaning of the struggle of PKH human resources to encourage families who are accompanied tirelessly so that graduation is prosperous independently.

Exemplary Award Presentation

The types of awards are given to Provincial and Regency / City Governments that have succeeded in encouraging KPM PKH to graduate; Ministries / Institutions / Partners that support the implementation of PKH; Print, online, television and radio media that are actively reporting on PKH intensively; Exemplary HR consists of Exemplary Regional Coordinators; Model Provincial Coordinator; District / City Coordinator Model; Exemplary Supervisor Social Workers; Provincial and Regency / City Level Database Administrators; Exemplary PKH Facilitators; PKH Ambassadors; KPM PKH Graduasi Sejahtera Mandiri; and PKH Children with Achievement at the national level.

For the media category that contributed to the success of PKH, the award was given to Antara as an online media representative; Suara Pembaruan as a representative for the print media; TVRI as representative of television media; and Radio RRI Pro 3 FM as the radio media representative.

Appreciation is also given to a number of stakeholders who have contributed to PKH, such as the Directorate of Information Systems and Treasury Technology, Ministry of Finance for innovations in making OM-SPAN, Microsave Consulting and Inke Maris Associates, Smeru Research Institute, World Bank, BNI and BRI, Bank Mandiri and BTN.

Furthermore, the award for PKH HR in the 2019 PKH Ambassador category was given to Bunga Ansella Dewi from Bekasi; Syaifullah from Pontianak; Fauzi Eka Putra from Padang Pariaman; Raditha Karisma from Jember; Abi Fatwa, the country of origin of Ogan Komering Ilir; and M. Nasir Mi'rajjuddin from Banjarmasin.

Model 2019 Database Administrator (APD) was given to Faisal Ari from Central Java Province; Jabal Uhud from Central Sulawesi Province; and Anwar Wahid from South Sulawesi Province.

Meanwhile, the 2019 model district / city PPE was given to Arif Rahardjo Putra from Surabaya; Hudayana Purwanto from Subang; and Rizki Fitra Suyatman from Cianjur.

Recipients of the 2019 Model District / City Coordinator award are Diana Ratna from Gresik; Fatah Elzaman from Brebes; and Roni Endik Himawan from Malang.

Meanwhile, the 2019 exemplary Supervisor category award was handed over to Ena Rodiah from Bekasi; Sukma Sandy from Pandeglang; and Sarisapto Setyaningrum from Cirebon.

Regional Coordinator (Korwil) for the Family Hope Program exemplary handed over to the Lampung region, Slamet Riyadi; DI Yogyakarta, Siti Maryatun Ibtiyah; Central Java, Rahayu Praise Point.

Then, the 2019 model PKH Facilitator went to the Bener Meriah Facilitator, Aceh Province, Arfa Rina; Assistant Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta Province, Hartini; and Assistant Pasuruan, East Java Province, Ceria Firdaus.

There are categories of districts / cities that have succeeded in realizing the graduation of Beneficiary Families of the Family Hope Program, which were won by the districts of Garut, Paser, Cirebon, Pati and Denpasar.

Following the provinces that succeeded in achieving the highest KPM PKH graduations, they were Central Java, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, East Java and West Java, respectively.

In addition, the seven recipients of awards to Beneficiary Families who successfully graduated in 2019 are the Jumria of Beneficiary Families of Kab. Bone; Eli Liawati, Garut City Beneficiary Family; Siti Jariah, Garut City Beneficiary Family; Siti Fatimah, Bekasi City Beneficiary Family; Letter to Kulon Progo Beneficiary Families; Tuminah Beneficiary Family of Banjarmasin City; and Venny Erina Janifer, Denpasar City Beneficiary Family.

Also receiving the award, outstanding KPM children were Jordy Pratama from West Sumatra (Wushu athlete); Ramdan H. Moni from South Halmahera (Taekwondo athlete); Angga Yudistira from South Sulawesi (soccer athlete); Ade Dwi Ayu Michella from South Sumatra (karate athlete); Ayu Trina Indriyani from East Java (cyclist); and Anton Hendra Kusuma from East Java (field of science).

On the top night of the award ceremony, the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, directly handed over certificates and placards to the award recipients.