(March 2, 2021) - In the midst of a pandemic
situation where everyone wants help from the government, the Beneficiary Family
(KPM) of the Family Hope Program (PKH) from Brebes, Warsiti (37), actually
stated that she had resigned from PKH membership. Currently, Warsiti is running
her vegetable salad business.
"I am grateful that I have received a lot of assistance from the
government. I decided to resign from PKH voluntarily, without coercion from
anyone,” said Warsiti.
Warsiti still has two children who are in Senior High School (SMA) and
Elementary School (SD). Daily, she relies on her income from selling
fried snacks and fruit salad.
Since receiving PKH assistance in 2013, she has used the aid money to meet
her children's educational needs. Part of the assistance is set aside for
business capital to sell fried snacks and fruit salad. He started trying to sell
fruit salad 4 years ago when her second son was in the first grade of
elementary school.
"If asked, they still need it, yes, obviously they still need it. But,
pity, many neighbors are (more) less well off than me and haven't received PKH
assistance yet,” she explained.
After 8 years of being a PKH participant and experiencing the benefits,
Warsiti said that she had a lot of experience and knowledge that she had never
previously obtained. One of them is exchanging opinions with assistants and
other KPM during the Family Capacity Building Meeting (P2K2).
This awakened Warsiti's awareness to resign from PKH because she felt that
there were still many neighbors around her who had a lower economic level and
deserved PKH assistance, but they were not as fortunate as she was who had
received assistance, although she consciously admitted that she still needed
this assistance.
Meanwhile, the Tonjong District PKH Coordinator, Dwi May Ismawan, stated
that Warsiti's resignation was also followed by two other PKH KPM. "After
Mrs. Warsiti resigned, two other KPM namely Mrs. Tri Astuti, a resident of Desa
Tanggeran RW 03 and Mrs. Haryani, a resident of Desa Tanggeran RW 07 followed
in her footsteps," said Dwi.
Graduation is the failure to fulfill the criteria for participation and/or the improvement of a socio-economic condition, as evidenced by data updating activities. The three PKH KPM from Brebes are included in the independent prosperous graduation category. "Where KPM refuses assistance because they feel capable, do not want to depend on PKH social assistance anymore, and provide opportunities for other families. This is following the technical instructions for KPM PKH graduation, "said Dwi.