BOGOR (17 May 2022) - President Joko Widodo accompanied by the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, made a working visit to the City and Regency of Bogor. There were several points of visit, namely Pasar Cibinong, Pasar Citeureup, Pasar Anyar and Pasar Gunung Batu.


During the visit, assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) was given in the form of ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Assistance) PKH, Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) for Cooking Oil and Presidential Assistance, namely Business Capital Assistance given to Beneficiary Families (KPM) for the Family Hope Program (PKH).


The first point the President visited was Pasar Cibinong. The President's arrival was greeted with cheers from shop sellers who had been waiting since morning. Here, the President handed over the ATENSI program in the form of three units of electric wheelchairs, two sets of hearing aids, two laptops with voice recognition, one 3-wheeled motorbike, entrepreneurship assistance for one beneficiary and assistance for an orphan. The total assistance from MoSA was IDR 143,745,029 for 10 beneficiaries.


BLT Cooking Oil was given to 90 beneficiaries at Pasar Cibinong in the amount of IDR 300,000/each. The total assistance was IDR 27,000,000. "Please use it wisely for urgent needs only. If there is any remaining, it can be used as capital funding," said the President.


The president and his entourage then moved to Pasar Gunung Batu. He symbolically handed over assistance in the form of a 3-wheeled motorbike, entrepreneurship assistance for seven beneficiaries, assistance for 3 orphans, crutches for three beneficiaries, and 3 walking sticks for a beneficiary. The total assistance distributed in Pasar Gunung Batu was IDR 68,700,000 for 10 beneficiaries. In addition, there was also BLT Cooking Oil for 90 beneficiaries with the amount of IDR 300,000/each, so the total was IDR 27,000,000.


Furthermore, at Pasar Citeureup and Pasar Anyar, the MoSA’s assistance was handed over to the beneficiaries even though the President’s agenda at those markets was canceled.


At the Pasar Citeureup, the assistance was given in the form of a 3-wheeled motorbike for one beneficiary, entrepreneurship assistance for two beneficiaries and assistance for seven orphans. The total assistance was IDR 53,600,000 for 10 beneficiaries.


At Pasar Anyar, the assistance was given in the form of a 3-wheeled motorbike, entrepreneurship assistance for three beneficiaries, and assistance for six orphans, with total assistance of IDR 57,800,000 for 10 beneficiaries.


The total assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs was IDR 377,845,029.


On the other hand, the Business Capital assistance from the President was given to 400 PKH beneficiaries. At each point there were 100 beneficiaries with each receiving a value of IDR 1,200,000, so the total assistance was IDR 480,000,000 for 400 beneficiaries.


It was reported that Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, Pepen Nazaruddin, related officials and representatives of PT Pos attended the activity.


Haeruddin, one of the beneficiaries of the 3-wheeled motorbike assistance, expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided by MoSA. "This motorbike is very handy in daily work," he said. 


Haeruddin who lives in Jampang Village, Kemang District Bogor Regency sells yellow rice, tempeh orek (stir-fried sweet and spicy tempeh), dogfruit, smashed fried chicken with basil, smashed fried tofu, etc.


Before getting assistance with a 3-wheeled motorbike, Haerudin complained about his difficulties in using his old motorbike. The motorbike is designed for non-disabled people, so it is not accessible for him.


"I used to ask other people for help to start and run the motorbike. It can be prone to fall if it rains," he said.


So far, Haerudin has been selling door to door and only if there is an order. "Now It is much easier to sell foods since the facilities have been provided. Hopefully, through this assistance, my business will run more smoothly and add more fortune," he added.


Besides Haerudin, the beneficiary of BLT for Cooking Oil Siti Khodijah (42) also expressed her gratitude. She used the assistance as capital funding to sell grilled and fried chicken.


"Alhamdulillah, I received the assistance before Eid Al-Fitr. The assistance is to increase sales of grilled and fried chicken," said Siti (17/05) at Pasar Gunung Batu, Bogor City.


Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs