BOGOR (September 17, 2019) - The Family Hope Program (PKH) is one of the focuses in promoting independence to reduce poverty and inequality. The PKH program is a process that leads to changes in attitudes and behaviors that drive productivity improvement of Beneficiary Families (KPM).
The increase in income and welfare of the KPM became PKH's noble ideals. To achieve these goals KPM must be able to be independent, prosperous, productive and not dependent on government social assistance. If the welfare conditions of the KPM improve, the KPM can do an independent graduation.
The Independent Graduation Effort was carried out through the Family Capability Enhancement Meeting (P2K2), mainly focused on Module 2 on Financial Management, Session 3, namely how to start a business. In order to accelerate the KPM Graduasi Mandiri Sejahtera, the Bogor City Social Service innovated to empower the KPM PKH by collaborating with the Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) through a program of dedicated lecturers.
Dedicated lecturer activities which are part of community service activities were carried out on September 10-11, 2019 by sending 7 lecturers to Sempur Sub-District, Central Bogor District, Bogor City to provide training and assistance in making tortillas (corn-based crackers) to KPM PKH.
The opening ceremony was attended by the Head of Community Service Division of LPPM IPB (Dr. Prayoga Suryadarma), Head of Administration of LPPM IPB (Astridina, S.Sos, MM), Sempur Urban Village Head (Marissa, S.STP) Head of Family Social Protection and Handling Division The Poor of Bogor City Social Service (Dudi Fitri Susandi, S.Tp, M.Sc), Social Ministry Hope Program Supervisor (Anggun Wiguna, S.ST), city coordinators (Nandang Turmudi, S.HI and Sendy Ades Anwar, SE ) Korcam throughout the City of Bogor and PKH Social Assistance Kelurahan Sempur (Rita Nurita, SE) and other PKH Social Assistance.
In his remarks, Marissa, S.STP as Head of Sempur Village said, "I strongly support this activity and hope that this activity can benefit the perfect community, especially in improving the economy". The Head of the Family Social Protection and Poor Handling Division also added in his remarks which at the same time opened the Healthy Food Processing Training event, "the IPB collaboration program with the Bogor Social Affairs Office is expected to be a pilot project that can provide benefits for PKH recipients in Bogor so that they can immediately graduate independently prosperity and it is hoped that this program will become a model in the future even if it is possible to be adopted into a national program."
Dedicated lecturer activities are carried out to transfer knowledge from lecturers to the community, in this case, KPM PKH to be applied in concrete form to improve welfare. The service of lecturers conducted by IPB aims to provide more benefits and skills to KPM PKH in order to accelerate the occurrence of independent prosperous graduations and to have an impact on improving the economy of the Sempur Village community.
The series of activities carried out starting from the opening of activities, then the introduction of healthy food and the importance of healthy food for families and communities, the practice of making healthy food in the form of Tortillas, the nutritional content of tortillas, marketing, socio-technopreneurship, institutions, group dynamics and making bankable proposals. Torilla is made not only from corn, but there are types made from cassava and pumpkin and milk fish mixture.
It is hoped that the empowerment of the KPM with the IPB lecturer program will continue to be sustainable and sustainable in order to make a difference and be felt and seen the results. This innovation will continue with the mentoring of alumni and lecturers of IPB and plans for the future to develop several flavors of the produced tortilla products, create new groups that will collaborate with the parent group, carry out marketing through social media, market places and networks of all HR and KPM PKH in Bogor City.