JAKARTA (February 17, 2023) – The Inspectorate General is holding a Review of
the Financial Report of the Ministry of Social Affairs for the 2022 Fiscal
Year. This activity, which was held at “Mulya Jaya” Center Jakarta, aims to
provide limited assurance on the accuracy, reliability, and validity of the
information presented in the financial reports before being submitted to the
minister/head of the institution and the Minister of Finance.
The activity which was held for five days from 12
to 17 February 2023 was attended by the Inspector General, Secretary of the
Inspectorate General, Field Inspectors, representatives of auditors,
representatives from the Secretariat of the Inspectorate General, and Compilers
of Financial Reports and Compilers of State Property Reports from each working
unit each within the scope of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Auditors from the
Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance were also present to provide
input regarding the overview, stages, and steps for reviewing
Ministry/Institution Financial Reports.
Natassa Feryza, Assoiciate-Level Auditor from the Ministry of Finance Inspectorate General said, “The review must be
carried out in parallel with budget execution and preparation of Ministry/Institution
Financial Reports. This needs to be done considering the time constraints
between the deadline for preparing Ministry/Institution Financial Reports and
submitting them to the Minister of Finance. With that period, it is hoped
that the APIP of Ministries/Institutions will produce quality Financial
In this activity, a representative of the Acting Head of
the Finance Bureau was also present to submit the Ministry Financial Report to
the Inspector General, Dadang Iskandar, so that the Inspectorate General's auditor team could review it. Meanwhile, in practice, the attending
auditors were divided into several review teams focusing on
discussion. The teams focused on Operational Reports, Changes in Equity
Reports, Notes to Financial Statements, Review Notes on State Property, Balance
Sheets, Budget Realization Reports, Summary of Review Results, Review Notes, and
Review Reports.