This short film series entitled 'Curhat Minta Bansos' (Asking for Social Assistance) for answers the public's anxiety about the social assistance program for the Family Hope Program (PKH). So far, there are still many underprivileged communities who do not know how to get social assistance, in this case is PKH. However, there are also people who are classified as capable but also want to get social assistance that is actually intended for underprivileged communities.
PKH is a conditional social assistance program. Because of these conditions, the recipient must meet a number of criteria, including:
1) The underprivileged (underprivileged) residents registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS);
2) Having, at least, one of the required family components, namely the presence of pregnant women, early childhood, elementary, middle, and/or high school students, the elderly, and severe disabilities; and
3) Included in the 10 million families with the lowest economic level recorded in Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS)
According to Law no. 13 of 2011 article 9 concerning the Handling of the Poor, the underprivileged communities must register themselves with the Lurah or Village Head in their respective regions to be forwarded to the Mayor/Regent, and submitted to the Ministry of Social Affairs, so that they can be registered in DTKS. The community must actively convey their economic conditions to the local village government so that their poverty data can be updated immediately.
For people who are already registered in DTKS, then sorting will be carried out and 10 million families with the lowest economic level are selected who meet the requirements to get PKH assistance.
Come on, let's care for each other so that social assistance is more targeted and beneficial to the community!
'Curhat Minta Bansos' | PKH Series Short Movie Episode 1