Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini conducted a direct review of the acceleration of the disbursement of social assistance for the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT)/Sembako Card Program in 4 sub-districts in Jombang Regency where the number of social assistance that has not been disbursed is above 1000 Family Beneficiaries (KPM), namely Bareng District, Mojowarno District, Mojoagung District, and Ngoro District, Sunday (6/2).
To accelerate the disbursement of assistance, the Minister of Social Affairs called on various parties to improve coordination. To the channeling bank, the Minister of Social Affairs asked to take the initiative to pick up the ball.
More in the following video.
#BPNT #SembakoCard
Social Affairs Minister Risma Review BPNT Distribution in Jombang Regency, East Java Province