60th Anniversary of Karang Taruna

60th Anniversary of Karang Taruna
Writer :
OHH Dayasos
Editor :
OHH Dayasos ; Annisa YH
Translator :
Fia Arista Dewi

JAKARTA (26th September 2020) - Today 26 September 2020 Karang Taruna (Youth Organization) commemorates its 60th anniversary. That age is not just a number, but reflects a long history of development of the largest youth organization in Indonesia. Starting from Kampung Melayu in 1960, Karang Taruna was born in response to the complexity of social problems, especially among the younger generation. At that time, the counterproductive use of leisure time became the root cause for social problems such as juvenile delinquency. So, Karang Taruna was formed as a forum for  younger generation to deliver their energy and creativity in a positive way.

60 years on, social problems are becoming more and more complex. This does not mean that Karang Taruna has failed to carry out its role and function, but that life continues to change. Indonesia's population is getting denser, competition is getting tighter, so that the poverty rate increases which of course results in increasing various social problems. On the other hand, there has also been a changing in social and cultural norms where face-to-face interactions are reduced, replaced by working and interacting through gadgets. It is not an easy thing to attract young people from their respective “nests” to gather, discuss and do social activities together. This challenge is increasingly felt today in a pandemic where physical interactions are limited, while the problems of unemployment and poverty are increasing.

Whatever it is, crisis is something that often occurs in human life. This is precisely the opportunity for us to forge our own toughness. Karang Taruna itself has undergone several stages of change starting from the phase of declaration, growth, development, strengthening, challenges, to enlightenment. The transition from one phase to another must go through what is called a crisis, and Karang Taruna has proven its ability to survive these crises. Even now in the enlightenment phase, it is very possible for sub-phases to occur until they reach the ideal state they aspire to. The 60 years of the existence of Karang Taruna proves its adaptability to crises.

Likewise, nowadays, Karang Taruna as an element of society helps the government face the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara called on Youth Organization to play an active role in this pandemic.

“The work of the Youth Organization is very influential in society. Therefore, we really appreciate the hard work of all young people in helping to accelerate in handling COVID-19, "said Juliari.

This pandemic is a test of patience for all of us. It is hoped that the Youth Organization will continue to strive to provide services to the community in the frame of social solidarity.

Not only in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of Karang Taruna is recognized as one of the Potentials and Sources of Social Welfare (PSKS) that supports the government in development.

Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto emphasized tha Karang Taruna has an important role in supporting the implementation of social welfare. As a youth organization, Karang Taruna does not only play a role in developing and empowering the potential of the younger generation but also to prevent and deal with various social problems. This role is clearly stated in MoSA Regulation Number 25 of 2019 concerning Youth Organization.

One of the goals that Karang Taruna wants to achieve is to improve the ability of the surrounding community to solve social problems they face. Before doing that, of course, Karang Taruna must strengthen itself first. With the condition of Indonesia which has extraordinary cultural diversity, of course there are differences in the colors of Karang Taruna. This can be seen as a potential as well as a challenge. The existing diversity must be based on the spirit of solidarity of the Youth Organization as one of the social volunteers. This integration is needed not only to work together with the Karang Taruna administrators, but also to work together with the coaches and other related parties. However, this partnership and cooperation is needed by Karang Taruna at all levels. With the complexity of the current situation, each party has the opportunity to contribute with their respective strengths and weaknesses. That is why the 60th anniversary of Karang Taruna this year carries the theme "Combining in Diversity, Working with Solidarity".

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