MATARAM (15 July 2021) – Beneficiary (PM) of “Paramita”
Social Rehabilitation Center in Mataram harvests cultivated tilapia. The
activity, which started at 09.00 WITA, involved approximately 10 PM who are
Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH). The activities carried out in the rear
pond were directly supervised by the Head of the Mataram "Paramita"
Center, I Ketut Supena, guided and directed by a fishery instructor.
“We always try to provide
education to children to have an entrepreneurial spirit regardless of
their line of business. At Paramita, apart from fish farming we also teach
honey bee cultivation, water hyacinth cultivation which produces SAEGO Paramita
and mushrooms. Of course, the proceeds from the sale of these fish will be
returned to the children,” said I Ketut Supena.
Besides being harvested
for sale, Supena continued, they also process these tilapia into food to be
served to people who visit the "Paramita" Center.
Kustadi, as the
instructor, felt motivated in providing skills to ABH. “It is not an easy thing
to teach ABH to be able to pursue this fish cultivation, it takes patience.
However, we are motivated that PM must have the knowledge and skills after
undergoing social rehabilitation. Children must understand the importance of
having skill references such as fish farming,” said Kustadi.
After harvest, tilapia
was processed by PM in the kitchen of the ATENSI Creation Center
"Paramita" accompanied by Social Workers and caregivers on duty
today. Not only that, the enthusiasm of employees to try directly processed
tilapia from PM is quite high.
Putri Wahyuni, a
psychologist from "Paramita" who was the first customer of PM's
processed tilapia, gave a response. "It tastes just right, the
preparations made are not too salty, and not over-cooked, personally, I am
satisfied with the processed tilapia," she said.