Marni Starts Entrepreneurship from the MoSA Aids

Marni Starts Entrepreneurship from the MoSA Aids
Writer :
Rizka Surya Ananda
Translator :
Fia Arista Dewi

POLEWALI MANDAR (July 8, 2024) - The assistance from Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini has begun to be felt by Marni (42), a single mother who lives in a hut with her three children in Batetangnga Village, Binuang District, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi. In addition to getting a new house, entrepreneurial assistance in the form of catfish seeds, laying hens, and horticultural plants began to be given to Marni and her eldest son, Abdul Marwan (14).

Marni and Marwan share the task of taking care of the assistance. Marwan handles the laying hens and horticultural plants, while Marni focuses on catfish cultivation. Because Marwan works at a chicken farm, he leaves the laying hens at his workplace so he can take care of them while working. "The chickens have started laying eggs, 8-10 eggs a day," said Marwan at his new house provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs, on Saturday (6/7). The eggs are collected until they are ready to be sold, with prices reaching Rp48,000 - Rp50,000 per shelf.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Social Affairs provided 1,000 catfish seeds along with biofloc ponds and feed. The pond is placed next to the house, making it easier for Marni to take care of it while taking care of her two children, Mirawati (12) and Muhammad Fadli (3). Marni feeds the catfish 2-3 times a day, every morning, afternoon, and evening. She hopes that this assistance can increase her family's income.

Before receiving assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Marni only depended on Marwan's monthly wage of Rp500,000. Marni's work is uncertain because she has to take care of Fadli, who is still a toddler. Sometimes, the owner of the garden where her hut stands allows Marni to pick chilies, and the proceeds are given to Marni, but the result is only around Rp20,000 a month. Assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs makes Marni very grateful because she finally has a better income.

Since the arrival of Social Affairs Minister Risma on Tuesday (2/7), Marni and her family's lives have changed. It has been four days since Marni occupied her new house. When moving, Risma helped organize the furniture of the house which was also assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Unlike the hut house which only has one room, now Marni and her children can share a room. The first room is for Marni, Mira, and Fadli, while the second room is for Marwan. "I am very happy to get a new house, I can sleep well and play. Thank you for your help, Minister of Social Affairs," said Mira, Marni's second child.

Marni's room already has some furniture such as mattresses, pillows, and cabinets. The kitchen has gas stove, household furniture, and basic food assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs. In addition to direct assistance, the Ministry of Social Affairs through assistants in collaboration with local village officials has also taken care of Marni's children's education and registered Marni in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

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