Bikes for Papuan Children
What do students in Papua need? Bicycle.
That's the answer that was conveyed by the children in Sarmi Regency, Papua, when Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini visited on March 22, 2022 ago. At that time the children revealed the distance between their residents and school was 7 km.
"They have to walk when they go to school. So they ask for bicycles," said the Minister of Social Affairs.
Social Minister Risma then thought about the money to fulfill the children's request.
On June 3, 2022, the Ministry of Social Affairs received assistance of 50 bicycle units from the Human-Initiative to be given to children in Sarmi Regency, Papua.
More in the following video.
#TuesdayPapua #IndependentProsperous #MinistryofSocialAffairs
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