"Cibinong" BBRVPD Distributes Basic Food Assistance to Persons with Disabilities

  • "Cibinong" BBRVPD Distributes Basic Food Assistance to Persons with Disabilities
  • IMG-20200606-WA0072
  • IMG-20200606-WA0074

Writer :
Humas Balai Besar "Cibinong" Bogor
Editor :
Aryokta Ismawan
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BEKASI (5 June 2020) - The Center for Vocational Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities (BBRVPD) "Cibinong" has distributed more assistance to the community amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This time, the assistance in the form of basic necessities was distributed to people with disabilities who were affected by socio-economic impacts in the Bekasi area.

Head of BBRVPD "Cibinong", Manggana Lubis said the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) throughout Indonesia did not stop distributing basic food assistance to people affected by Corona. "This is a form of state attention to the community," said Manggana.

Food assistance worth Rp.300,000 is channeled through the Social Welfare Institution (LKS), namely the Movement for the Welfare of the Deaf Indonesia (Gerkatin) Bekasi. The aid, which consisted of rice, cooking oil, instant noodles, biscuits, ready-to-eat food and soap, was distributed to 70 people with hearing-impaired sensory disabilities who live in Bekasi.

Partini, Chairperson of Gerkatin Bekasi, thanked the Ministry of Social Affairs for the basic food assistance. Moreover, the majority of beneficiaries are persons with sensory deafness and speech disabilities who do not have jobs. "Many of them have been laid off because of Corona," said Partini.

One of them is Priska (24 years old) whom the BBRVPD team met, said that she was laid off by the company where she worked because the company was making a loss. Moreover, her mother who became a kindergarten teacher was also forced to switch professions to become a small food trader because the kindergarten where his mother taught was temporarily closed. "Alhamdulillah, I received food assistance, it eased the burden on my family," said Priska.

Thus, until today, BBRVPD "Cibinong" has distributed 655 packages of basic food assistance to persons with disabilities in Bogor and Bekasi Districts and Municipalities.

"We are trying to target this assistance to people who have never received any assistance from the state budget, so that it will really benefit the community," said Manggana.

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