Director General of Social Rehabilitation Asks LKSA Institutions to Apply Health Protocols

  • Director General of Social Rehabilitation Asks LKSA Institutions to Apply Health Protocols
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-06-09 at 16.04.52
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-06-09 at 16.04.51
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-06-09 at 16.04.55

Writer :
OHH Ditjen Rehsos
Editor :
David Myoga
Translator :
Salsabila Baiqlis R; Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (9th June 2020) - To reduce the impact of the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic, all parties are asked to work together, one of which is through refocusing the budget.

"Alhamdulillah, after the revised process, 5,818 social assistance packages could be distributed," said the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat accompanied by the Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, during the distribution of basic necessities at BRSAMPK Handayani Jakarta, Tuesday (9th June 2020).

The symbolic distribution of aid at the Bambu Apus Jakarta Children's Social Rehabilitation Center was attended by the Head of the Cibinong Social Vocational Rehabilitation Center for People with Disabilities, the Chair of the LKSA, the Social Worker Service Unit (Sakti Peksos), the PSAA / LKSA Forum for regencies / cities, and the Rehabilitation Directorate team Child Social.

In the process of distributing basic food social assistance, said Harry, cooperating with the Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) as a working partner of the Directorate General of Child Social Rehabilitation.

"Cooperating with LKSA partners of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation to ensure that the basic food assistance reaches children in need," said Harry.

It is certain that the food packages distributed are different from the existing basic food components, so that the packages contain menus to fulfill children's nutritional needs.

"The package contains menus such as rice, milk, eggs, cereals, biscuits and sausages plus assistance from Unilever so that children who are most at risk with their nutritional needs can strengthen their immunity," said Harry.

Priority for social assistance recipients are children who have not received social assistance at all, including from the regular program of basic necessities and expansion of Cash Social Assistance (BST).

"From refocusing the budget for 8 centers belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs, there are a total of 16 thousand children throughout Indonesia, while from the center there are as many as 5 thousand children," he said.

However, it is certain that the recipients of the basic food assistance for children do not overlap or double with those that have been and are being distributed by the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.

All data on children and LKSA recipients of assistance are sourced from the Integrated Data of the Next Generation Social Welfare Information System (SIKS NG) which has gone through the verification and validation process by the Social Service and Sakti Peksos. A total of 5,818 packages of basic food assistance for children were distributed to 477 LKSAs in five regions. DKI Jakarta, 22 Regency in West Java, and 4 Regency in Banten.

The Details of aid distribution in DKI Jakarta 91 LKSA for 1000 children, West Java 360 LKSA for 4468 children, District / City of South Tangerang and Tangerang 26 LKSA for 350 children.

"Including, from abandoned families there are children who are marginalized and detected in Bogor, as well as refferal from LKS to get serious treatment," he said.

In addition, entering the new normal period, there are policies from the government, ministers and directorates related to health protocols that must be maintained and disciplined enforced.

"We are entering the new normal period, marked by various activities outside of normalcy, but do not ignore health protocols," asked Harry.

LKSAs and the institutions have been invited to the forum to be given various guidelines and modules that have been standardized by the Directorate of Children to be applied. "In order to be applied consistently, and the results of monitoring we found that there are institutions / LKSAs that do not pay attention to physical distancing, such as sleeping close together," said Harry.

Behavior of healthy living and maintaining a clean environment must be reminded. In fact, these habits in the orphanage is a culture and tradition.

"Culture and traditions both in the institution / LKSA must be extra applied, for example, children should not be asked to enter the room and eat, they have to wash their hands with soap and always wear a mask," said Harry.

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