BEKASI (October 9th, 2019) - One of the policies of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation (PROGRES 5.0 New Platform) is the Child Social Rehabilitation Program (PROGRESA) with the target toddler under five years old who does not get proper care, live in improper environment, does not have a birth certificate and / or residence identification number, come from a poor family, and / or need a substitute family.
To increase the capacity of human resources, the Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) in implementing child social services, both children in family care or substitute families or in institutions including Taman Anak Sejahtera (TAS), the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation held a Coordination Meeting on the Implementation of Toddler Child Care. at the Horison Hotel Bekasi.
"I welcome the holding of this activity as a strategic step in efforts to improve the competence and capacity of human resources implementing the PROGRESA," said Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto while giving direction to participants in the Coordination Meeting.
The activity that took place on October 8-11, 2019 was attended by 57 participants consisting of representatives of TAS Managers in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, NTT and NTB, and central participants.