Head of "Mulya Jaya" Center Receives Social Assistance Symbolically from the Minister of Social Affairs

  • Head of "Mulya Jaya" Center Receives Social Assistance Symbolically from the Minister of Social Affairs
  • IMG-20200613-WA0065

Writer :
Humas Balai "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Salsabila Baiqlis R; Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (12 June 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation has been used as a Temporary Shelter (TPS) for residents displaced by COVID-19 in the Jabodetabek area. Those UPTs are the Jakarta "Mulya Jaya" Center, the Jakarta "Melati" Center, the Jakarta "Handayani" Center, the Jakarta "Bambu Apus" KPN Center, the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Center, the Bekasi "Pangudi Luhur" Center, and the Bekasi "Tan Miyat" Center. The Center that became the TPS received social assistance (bansos) from the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, represented by  The Jakarta “Mulya Jaya” Center.

Especially, “Mulya Jaya” Center has been a TPS since April 2020 and has served 230 displaced residents, victims of layoffs, and Indonesian Migrant Workers, has returned 79 people to their families, was referred 10 people to other institutions, and is currently still living in the center as many as 141 people.

The various services are provided ranging from basic needs to psychological support and even skills training tailored to the needs of each Beneficiary. Today, to coincide with the delivery of basic food social assistance provided by the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara at the Karet Tengsin Sport Center in Central Jakarta, the Head of "Mulya Jaya" Center, Juena Sitepu represents all centers in Jabodetabek area which are used as TPS to receive 342 packages of social assistance for basic necessities and 385 packages of social rehabilitation assistance.

Juena explained that this social assistance will be distributed directly to every center in Jabodetabek that becomes a TPS and then this social assistance will be given to each Persons who Need Social Welfare Services (PPKS) according to the target of each center.

"Social assistance from the Minister of Social Affairs will be distributed to every center in Jabodetabek which is a temporary shelter and will then be given to PPKS of each center. For the “Mulya Jaya” Center itself, the distribution is carried out by providing such assistance to the Beneficiary every time they will be discharged according to the center's service target,” said Juena.

"For the “Mulya Jaya" Center, we provide this basic food social assistance to residents displaced by COVID-19, victims of human trafficking, and Indonesian Migrant Workers. The total currently is 141 people," he said.

The assistance given this time is not only for basic necessities, but also for social rehabilitation assistance in the form of basic needs services, family support, social care, and psychosocial therapy. Through the provision of comprehensive services, it is hoped that it can create good benefits for displaced residents and PPKS in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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