Kodir and Mbah Sudiro Gives Money from the Ministry of Social Affairs for the Community

Darwanto, or who is often called Kodir, and Mbah Sudiro, two residents of Donokerto, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta, went viral because of their brave action to help students of SMP 1 Turi who were swept away in tracing the Sempor river. Thanks to this courageous action, both of them received appreciation from the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara.

The Minister of Social Affairs gave awards to Kodir and Mbah Sudiro with 10 million rupiah each. Feeling that the success of the evacuation of the students of SMPN 1 Turi was thanks to the help of other residents, Mbah Sudiro decided to save the money for the rightful people.

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