JAKARTA (6 November 2019) - The role and existence of social workers (social workers) is strengthened by the birth of Law Number 14 of 2019 concerning social workers.

With this legal umbrella, it will optimize the role, function, as well as a formal legal mandate and protection of social workers in carrying out social work practices.

"The passing of the Social Workers Act (Social Workers) makes the social worker profession a profession that is not arbitrary. This profession is very important to sustain Indonesian society from social aspects that will not be separated from the life of a human being especially social life, "said Syahabuddin at the Novotel Hotel Jakarta, (11/06)

He also reminded all participants who attended this activity to help socialize the Social Workers Law, to the regions and especially in terms of improving the ability and quality of social workers through training, seminars and other related activities. "We have to be the front-runners for the Social Workers Law," Syahabuddin explained.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion the Head of the Social Workers Professional Development Center and Social Extension Worker Tati Nugrahati said that social problems need to be addressed through professional, planned, integrated, controlled and sustainable implementation procedures.

Furthermore, said Tati, socialization activities are needed, regulations that overshadow the human resources of social welfare organizers and at the same time their profession so that strategic goals are achieved in increasing the role and function of HR.

This activity is carried out for three days from 6 - 9 November 2019 at the Novotel Hotel Jakarta. Participants from the activities numbered approximately 200 participants consisting of the Provincial Social Service, IPSPI DPD Members, LSPS Members, the BALKS Team, the Ministry of Social Affairs Legal Bureau, the Ministry of Social Organization and Civil Service and the Indonesian Social Workers Consortium (KPSI).