JAKARTA (August 29, 2019) - The Education, Research and Social Counseling Agency (BP3S) of Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs publishes the National Occupational Map in Welfare. The publication was carried out after it was approved by the Social and Community Service Center and Social Welfare Center (Pusbangprof Peksos Pensos) together with the Directorates of the Ministry of Social technical units, professional associations, practitioners, academics from the Ministry of Manpower and the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).
Taking place at the Ambhara Hotel, the occupational map was approved by the Head of BP3S Harry Z, Soeratin. The map contains 94 human resources occupational social welfare organizers at the level of the Indonesian national qualification framework, which ranges from levels 2 to 9.
It is known that this occupational map serves as a reference for the development of national social welfare workforce competence, a reference for education and training curriculum, national and international position qualification benchmarks in the field of social welfare, and career paths for HR for social welfare organizers
Also present in this activity was the Director General of Training and Productivity Development of the Ministry of Manpower, the Director of Poverty Reduction and Social Welfare of the National Development Planning Agency and the Chair of the BNSP.