Meaning of Youth Pledge Day, Ministry of Social Affairs Supports Child Participation in Democracy

  • Meaning of Youth Pledge Day, Ministry of Social Affairs Supports Child Participation in Democracy
  • 16038825857432
  • 16038825802844
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Writer :
Humas Ditjen Rehsos
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

JAKARTA (October 28, 2020) - The Youth Pledge is not an ordinary sentence, because it contains the great aspirations of youth to unite Indonesia regardless of ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup in order to inspire the spirit of development in Indonesia.

This was conveyed by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat when giving a speech at the 92nd Youth Pledge Commemoration Webinar with the theme "Meeting the Youth Pledge by Realizing the Right of Children's Participation in Democratic Life".

The Youth Pledge showed that Indonesia at that time provided opportunities for youth and had respected the opinion of youth in nation building. "The Indonesian people continue to appreciate the participation of the Indonesian Youth which was announced 92 years ago," said Harry.

The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara during the celebration of National Children's Day (23/7) conveyed the message that the future of the Indonesian nation is in the hands of the children, so that the next generation of this nation needs to be protected.

Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs continues to be committed to protecting and respecting children's rights to express their opinions. Harry said that the voices of Indonesian children were important within a proportional limit. This has been realized by the existence of the Indonesian Children's Congress which became a forum for gathering ideas, ideas and aspirations of children as part of youth.

When talking about democracy, it is closely related to achieve freedom of expression through various expressions, one of which is through demonstrations. It should be realized that children under the age of 18 have the desire to participate in demonstrations. This needs to be avoided because the risk of demonstrations is quite heavy, which often ends in anarchy.

Harry said that children are able to convey ideas, ideas and aspirations through other ways. The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to fight for the rights of children to express their opinions. This is done through the Indonesian Children's Congress, National Children's Day and children's original opinions in various activities.

In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs also requested that the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) as the organizer of this webinar activity continue to bridge children to express opinions to policy makers on various occasions.

The Head of LPAI, Seto Mulyadi agrees with this. The institution he leads continues to be committed to channeling children's aspirations in the right way, inviting children to channel their aspirations through creative discussions.

Harry also mentioned that children's opportunities for democracy are not limited by activities. "When children convey their best ideas to friends at home or at school, it is also a child's effort to express their aspirations and children are already involved in democracy," he said.

In line with this, the Children's Ambassador from Bali, Ni Bulan Made Cantika, said that actually in children there is an ingrained warrior spirit. This is manifested in the nature of youth who are movers, thinkers, have a fighting spirit and love the homeland.

She also suggested Indonesian children to implement the meaning of the Youth Pledge through studying, studying culture, respecting each other, protecting the environment and using good Indonesian.

This activity organized by LPAI also provides space for children to express themselves in expressing creative ideas. This can be seen from the expertise of several Child Ambassadors who were resource persons in this webinar. The Ministry of Social Affairs supports LPAI's efforts to always place children as the subject of national development.

A total of 78 participants attended this webinar. Participants are the Chairperson of LPAI at the Provincial and Regency/City Levels throughout Indonesia, Indonesian Children's Ambassadors and members of the Indonesian Children's Congress.
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