Medan "Insyaf" Center Conducts ATENSI for Drug Abuse Victims

  • Medan "Insyaf" Center Conducts ATENSI for Drug Abuse Victims
  • 15967664951184
  • 15967665009384

Writer :
Humas Balai "Alyatama"Jambi
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Dewi Purbaningrum; Karlina Irsalyana

LANGSA (August 6, 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Through the Social Rehabilitation Center for Drug Abuse Victims "Insyaf" Medan carries out case response activities to victims of drug abuse in Langsa City, Aceh Province from 5-8 August 2020.

This case response activity was carried out due to reports and requests from the Head of the Langsa City National Narcotics Agency (BNN). This is because there are many victims of drug abuse in Langsa City who need Social Rehabilitation services.

Based on Government Regulation Number 25 of 2011 on Institutions Recipient of Compulsory Reporting emphasizes that victims of drug abuse must receive rehabilitation, both medical and social because you are a victim who must be protected, prison is not the best choice for victims of drug abuse. said Sulaiman, Head of BRSKPN "Insyaf" Medan, when giving material to participants.

"Insyaf" Medan is currently heading for a new paradigm in providing Social Rehabilitation Services, this is in accordance with the policy of the Director of Social Rehabilitation for each UPT to run Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) which consists of fulfilling basic needs, therapy (physical, mental, spiritual, psychosocial) skills/entrepreneurship), social care and family support. By 2020, our Center is only able to carry out social rehabilitation of 200 people per year, of course not commensurate with the current high rate of drug abuse, for that we must provide social rehabilitation services outside the center," said Solomon.

The Social Rehabilitation Activities outside the Center are carried out in several stages including the initial approach, assessment, implementation of the "Social Rehabilitation ATENSI", termination and evaluation. The series of activities that we carry out are aimed at making families and victims of drug abuse able to improve social functioning and have a responsibility to the environment and the community. Sulaiman added.

On this occasion Basri the Head of the Langsa City BNN said that we will continue to work together with the Medan "Insyaf" Center in providing rehabilitation services to victims of drug abuse, especially for residents of Langsa City. Basri then thanked BRSKPN "Insyaf" Medan, which has been willing to provide Social Rehabilitation services to the residents of Langsa City.

Social rehabilitation activities outside the Center which were held in Langsa City were attended by 30 Drug Abuse Victims, this event received support from the Langsa City Social Service, community leaders and Bank BRI which provides open savings account facility for Participants who will receive Stimulant Assistance.

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