In Tanimbar, Social Affairs Minister Risma Assures All Children Can Achieve Success

In Tanimbar, Social Affairs Minister Risma Assures All Children Can Achieve Success
Writer :
Annisa Nur Hanifah
Translator :
Fia Arista Dewi

TANIMBAR ISLAND (June 27, 2024) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini assured students that they can succeed regardless of being poor or rich, living in the village or the city, because all have the same opportunities. Success depends not on where you live but on hard work and persistence in achieving your goals.

“Therefore, don’t be discouraged. You can also achieve success,” said Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini during a dialog with around 110 elementary, junior high, and high school students at Gidel Sport, Olikit, Tanimbar Islands Regency, Maluku Province, Wednesday (26/6).  Tanimbar Islands is one of Indonesia’s outermost islands bordering Australia and Timor Leste. The distance is about 315 nautical miles from Ambon City or about two days of sea travel across the Banda Sea, known for its ferocious waves.

Social Affairs Minister Risma said that those who live in rural areas face a harder struggle, but in principle, all have the same rights and opportunities to succeed. “Therefore, don’t give up. Opportunities are in sight,” said Social Affairs Minister Risma, motivating and inviting children to discuss their problems.

One of the students from State Senior High School 10 Tanimbar Islands, Ursula Gracia Sainyakit (15), familiarly called Aca, came forward. In front of Social Affairs Minister Risma and the students present, Aca said she wanted to become a doctor. However, the struggle to achieve this goal is not easy because her mother is a single parent. Her mother has to work alone to support her family. In addition, Aca feels bipolar. “I have a habit that every time I reach the highest point, I want to reach another even higher point. I was always dissatisfied,” Aca says.

Because she always wanted to be the best, at the age of 15, Aca opened a course for children and became a tutor for elementary school children. The income from teaching is used for school fees, and some is given to her mother and sister at home.

Hearing the story, Social Affairs Minister Risma immediately approached Aca and hugged her while encouraging her. “You are extraordinary. You exceed children at your age.  So you don’t need to be jealous of others because success is different. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. Keep going... don’t be afraid to fall. If you fall, get up again. If you fall again, immediately get up again until one day the fall will be afraid of you, yes dear,” said Social Affairs Minister Risma encouragingly.

Aca, who was hugged by Social Affairs Minister Risma, was touched because, according to her, it was the first time she had told other people about her problems. “Feeling touched because I have never told others what I feel all my life.  This is the first time, and the speckles of the mother came to hug and provide solutions,” explained Aca.

Before saying goodbye, Social Affairs Minister Risma once again advised the students to persevere and work hard to achieve their goals. Prove that children from Tanimbar can be successful and become the pride of their respective parents.

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