Ministry of Social Affairs Holds National Elderly Social Campaign

Ministry of Social Affairs Holds National Elderly Social Campaign
Writer :
Humas Loka Minaula Kendari
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

KENDARI (October 16, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Elderly Social Rehabilitation in synergy with "Minaula" Elderly Center in Kendari continues to improve social services for the elderly through the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) Program. One of them is through the National Elderly Social Campaign.

Harry Hikmat as Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs accompanied by Andi Hanindito as Director of Elderly Social Rehabilitation opened and delivered his presentation at the National Social Campaign for the Elderly at Swiss-Bell Hotel Kendari, Friday, 16/10/2020.

The activity involved various stakeholders such as Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Social Services, Regency/City Social Services, Elderly Social Welfare Agencies (LKSLU), Universities, Elderly Social Rehabilitation Assistants, and Human Resources of "Minaula" Center Kendari.

Andi Hanindito said the purpose of this activity was to equalize perceptions and understandings related to social rehabilitation for the elderly. "Through this activity, we want to equalize perceptions and understandings related to social rehabilitation for the elderly. There are still some of us who use the word old age which seems very helpless to our elderly. The way of handling it is still very sectoral. Therefore, we want to encourage all parties to participate in service efforts for the elderly in the future". he said.

Currently, the total population of Indonesia is 269.6 million people. Meanwhile, the elderly population is about 10% of the total population of Indonesia or 25.64 million people.

Harry Hikmat said the Ministry of Social Affairs has one echelon two, namely the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly who coordinates three Centers namely"Budi Dharma" Elderly Center in Bekasi, "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center in Gowa, and "Minaula" Elderly Center in Kendari.

"One thing that is not easy to reach all the elderly throughout Indonesia. As we know that from the elderly population, the elderly are in the poor and vulnerable category by 40% or 12.6 million. The elderly in the family are 10.7 million. While those outside 1.9 million families, and the elderly who received social assistance through Family Hope Program (PKH) as many as 1.1 million".

Harry Hikmat added that social assistance is currently being carried out in cash and non-cash by three Centers involving LKSLU as social assistance partners.

LKSLU collects data on elderly who meet the requirements and criteria. The assistance is transferred to the LKSLU account and then distributed to the respective elderly and their families or guardians.

"In the future, the source of the social assistance will not be from the Social Rehabilitation Program, but will be synergized with the Social Protection and Security Program," added Harry.

In addition to going through PKH, the elderly who are not part of PKH will receive cash or basic necessities.

“So, the social assistance is in another Directorate General. The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation focuses more on social services as a function of social rehabilitation," he explained.

The Ministry of Social Affairs always strives to raise awareness of families and communities in caring for the elderly in their environment.

Through ATENSI, the government issues government assistance that supports social services at Centers, Houses, and LKSLU.

Harry Hikmat also asked the Centers management to make a breakthrough or new innovation related to improving the quality of life for the elderly and how to respond to health problems, including accessing health services, in addition to first response service efforts.

As we all know, Indonesia is undergoing a demographic transition. Life expectancy increases, fertility rates decrease, the impact on dependency ratio increases.

Related to this, Harry Hikmat said that the Ministry of Social Affairs has prepared an anticipation of an increase in the number of elderly people from year to year, including increasing the quality and quantity of social service programs for the elderly to protect against various risks of aging (illness, neglect, loneliness, etc.), increasing the role of the family in care for the elderly, improving public services that prioritize the elderly in various sectors, increasing the national sustainability campaign in all sectors, increasing the role of the community and the private sector in handling the elderly, and improving the quality of social welfare from an early age so that old age does not become a burden to families or society.
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