Ministry of Social Affairs Presents Through Implementation of Community-Based Assistance

  • Ministry of Social Affairs Presents Through Implementation of Community-Based Assistance
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-08-12 at 19.52.28 (1)
  • 15974445725924
  • 15974445812019

Writer :
OHH Ditjen Rehsos
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Dewi Purbaningrum; Karlina Irsalyana

BELITUNG REGENCY (August 12, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation is actively socializing the directions and policies of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, namely ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Attention).

Director General of Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat gave a presentation in-based Social Rehabilitation Assistance activities Community  virtual and face-to-face held at the Hotel Santika Belitong.

Harry said that the Social Rehabilitation Centers ensure that there are alternative services, not relying on the facilities they have in the Center, but if it is possible to reach out to various people with disabilities without having to bring people with disabilities to be served in the Center.

In addition, social rehabilitation services can be developed while still placing the family as the main actor or  family-based care or if in locations outside the area, for example, there are people with disabilities in Bangka Belitung who need services, they do not have to be brought to Palembang, if in Bangka Belitung there are institutions social welfare, they can be invited to work together and if they need residential-based social services, care, social rehabilitation to be served by the closest social rehabilitation center for people in need.

He continued, Harry said that if people with disabilities need services it is still possible in the family, the office will work together with local orphanages to jointly assist people with disabilities so that their basic needs can be met and protected, and receive social rehabilitation services within their respective families. So these options become more effective alternatives to meet the basic needs of providing protection and also ensuring the survival of persons with disabilities.

That's why intensive family support is very possible by the Balai and also not only the nuclear family, outside the nuclear family it is also possible to play a further role, for example, there are people with disabilities who have good enough talent and are allowed to develop but because their families are in the poor category, they can be cared for by substitute families (closest relatives) or foster care to cared, nurture and provide opportunities so that persons with disabilities can develop their capacity.

At the same time need to build a system based prevention education, information, education, social campaigns, sensitization to the public at large to loading increase respect tribute to the disability, involved in the fulfillment of their needs and provide protection to disabilities, said Harry

Head of Social Rehabilitation " Budi Perkasa” Siti Sari Rumayanti said that at the end of the activity, self-reliance assistance of Rp 1.5 million per person will be provided, a total of Rp 45 million. It is hoped that the independence assistance provided can be utilized as best as possible for the survival of Persons with Physical Disabilities and their Families.

The participants of the activity were 60 people, representing representatives from the Bangka Belitung Social Service, Social Welfare Institutions, Regional Government Social Institutions, and parents of Beneficiaries.

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