MoSA Provides Assistance Paralyzed to Elderly Couple from Sidoarjo and Evacuates Them to the Hospital

MoSA Provides Assistance Paralyzed to Elderly Couple from Sidoarjo and Evacuates Them to the Hospital
Writer :
Humas Sentra Margo Laras Pati
Editor :
David Myoga
Translator :
Karlina Irsalyana

SIDOARJO (September 11, 2022) - MoSA through the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, Margo Laras Pati Center, and Prof. Integrated Center. Dr. Soeharso responded quickly to the case of an elderly couple in Sidoarjo, (10/9).


Ngatemin (79) and Salamah (77) are spouses who suffer from paralysis in both legs. Salamah suffered from paralysis for decades (approximately more than 20 years) after her third child was born, while Ngatemin had paralysis 2 years ago. Daily activities are carried out by lifting and refusing to use assistive devices because they cannot use a cane and are nauseated when using a wheelchair. However, carrying out daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and defecating, can be done independently.


Based on the examination of the Integrated Center Prof. Dr. Soeharso physiotherapist, Gunawan, Salamah experienced paralumbar compression, where the nerves around the hip were compressed causing pain. “But the muscles are still strong so she has the potential to be able to walk again when trained. After feeling that she was receiving therapy from a physiotherapist, and being able to use assistive devices to walk gradually, Salamah was not willing to be invited to the hospital," he explained.


So far, the two elderly couples have been taking over-the-counter medicines at pharmacies for IDR 40.000,-/10 days, which can be obtained for free if you are diligent in going to the hospital because you have a PBI (Indonesian Health) card. However, the PBI card has been inactive for a long time.


This elderly couple is no longer working because of their physical condition and age. Their 5 (five) children are fully supported economically for them.


Currently, this elderly couple lives with the family of their first child, namely Urifah and Bunadi. Bunadi works as a seller of boiled peanuts with an income of around IDR 50.000, - up to IDR 80,000,- per day. Bunadi's family has 2 children who are married and live separately.


"This elderly couple has entered DTKS (Social Welfare Integrated Data). They already have a PBI that needs to be reactivated and have received BLT (Cash Direct) assistance for the last 2 years for IDR 300,000, -/month. Currently in the proposal to get assistance from BAZNAS of IDR 600,000, -/month", said Social Rehabilitation Companion, Imas.


"I have coordinated with related parties to immediately activate the PBI Card for the two elderly to make it easier to get free health services," said Supomo, Director of the Social Rehabilitation for Elderly.

The Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly and Margo Laras Pati Center facilitated the examination and payment of Ngatemin's initial medical expenses to the Anwar Medika Hospital in Sidoarjo.

The results of the examination diagnosed that Ngatemin had Rheumatoid Arthritis, resulting in hardening of the knees and difficulty walking. For temporary therapy, anti-inflammatory medicine, anti-pain, and vitamins have been given. Scheduled for Monday, September 12, 2022, a follow-up examination will be carried out at Anwar Medika Hospital.

Margo Laras Pati Center assists in the form of nutrition, basic needs, and supplement for the two elderly. Meanwhile, at the Integrated Center, Prof. Dr. Soeharso, carries out therapeutic activities by physiotherapists and trains them to walk, and provides walker assistance.

Salamah, who had not walked for more than 20 years, was finally given therapy and trained to use a walker to walk slowly. Her good muscle strength needs to be trained every day, the physiotherapist teaches the family simple exercises for her.

Integrated Center Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta provides entrepreneurial assistance for the children of Ngatemin and Salamah, namely Urifah in the form of a grocery store selling gas, gallon water bottle, and mineral water.

Margo Laras Center persuaded Salamah that on Monday, September 12, 2022, she would be willing to go to the hospital together with Ngatemin. The persuasion was successful, Salamah was willing to carry out an examination at the Anwar Medika Sidoarjo Hospital on Monday accompanied by the Village Health Cadre and Village Apparatus.

Margo Laras Center agreed with the Village Apparatus, Puskesmas (Public Health Center), Village Health Cadres, and Social Rehabilitation Companions to assist in carrying out routine checks to the hospital according to the schedule for Ngatemin and Salamah, so that their health can be monitored and get free treatment without having to buy medicines at the pharmacy.

Urufah, the first daughter, thanked MoSA for providing a lot of help. Margo Laras Response Team also provided education on taking regular medicine to grandfather and hoped for the involvement of all health cadres and companions to take control of Anwar Medika Hospital Sidoarjo.

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