"Mulya Jaya" Center Describes the Development of Integrity Zones Towards WBK / WBBM

  • "Mulya Jaya" Center Describes the Development of Integrity Zones Towards WBK / WBBM
  • IMG-20200619-WA0008
  • IMG-20200619-WA0009

Writer :
Humas Balai "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Salsabila Baiqlis R; Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (17th June 2020) - Zone of Integrity (ZI) is a designation or predicate given to the ministry, institutions and local governments whose leaders and staff have the intention (commitment) to realize a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) through efforts to prevent corruption, reform the bureaucracy and improve the quality of public services.

In order to accelerate the achievement of the concept of integrity, The Jakarta "Mulya Jaya" Center continues to strive a good organize, effective and efficient governance system, so that it can serve the public, especially for the Beneficiaries and can do quickly, precisely and professionally and eliminate abuse of authority, KKN Practices, and weak supervision.

Secretary of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Arif Nahari gave directions to the participants regarding the essences of integrity zone development in their respective work units.

The Head of Center, Juena Sitepu, in her presentation this afternoon through the Zoom meeting media explained the efforts that have been made by "Mulya Jaya" Center in realizing WBK and WBBM.

"We have declared an integrity zone towards WBK and WBBM, one of which is by signing together all employees witnessed directly by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Dadang Iskandar," said Juena.

"Furthermore, as a form of our commitment to provide services to the Beneficiaries, we are always ready any time. Even in the early morning until dawn we are ready to accept it," her continued.

Furthermore, Juena also explained about The Center profiles, The Center programs and activities, Evaluation Worksheets, education on refusing extortion and gratuities either through printed media such as banners, posters, or social media, and others. This activity was also attended by other centers, they are the Mataram "Paramita" Center and the "Bambu Apus" Resident Center.

After describing a series of these efforts, it is hoped that the "Mulya Jaya" Center as one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs can achieve the title as a regional agency free from corruption and a clean bureaucratic serving.

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